Computer Consultant Startup: What's The First Step?

Computer Consultant Startup: What's The First Step?

If you're the typical person who’s considering becoming a computer consultant, then you are probably a LAN administrator, doing some kind of PC support job for big enterprise or maybe even working for a smaller integrator. In this article, you'll learn what you need to do first to realize your goal of becoming a computer consultant.

From talking to hundreds of people in this situation right now, the number one thing is that you have to decide that you really want to and really need to do it. Don’t put tons and tons of time getting all this IT training and business training and spending all this money until you’ve decided that you really want to do it.

Why Become a Computer Consultant?

There are lots of reasons why people want to become a computer consultant. You may want to be more responsible for your own career destiny, you may want to be able to build something from scratch that you can call your own, or maybe you’re just totally fed up with being stuck in the cubicle, reporting to your boss, and just in general being held back in your career over things that are way beyond your control.

Take Some Action Right Now

As your first step toward becoming a computer consultant, take out a piece of paper right now and write down “The Top Five Reasons Why I Have To, Need To and Want to Become a Computer Consultant.” Then go ahead and list them. This is really your declaration of independence.

Set a Deadline

You are now laying it on the line and saying all the reasons why you want to, why you have to, why you need to make this happen now. Why you need to start taking the right steps to get going in the right direction. Most importantly though, is when you get done narrowing it down to the top five list, preferably putting the most important reasons to you at the top of the list, give yourself a concrete deadline.

Take out the calendar and make a promise to yourself that you’re going to make it happen and write it down right on the bottom of your piece of paper. Print it out or rip it out of your notebook, put it up on the bulletin board next to your desk and look at it every day. The more specific this is, the easier it is going to be for you to make it a reality.


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