Long Distance Relationship Tips

Long Distance Relationship Tips

Long Distance Relationship Tips When Love From Miles Away. Is college or your career bringing you far from your man and you need long distance relationship tips to make this work? Would you have preferred to stay close to him, but your obligations are important to you and good long distance relationship tips will get you through?

Have you seen plenty of friends split up due to a long distance relationship and you don't want to see that happen to you? Relationships are hard enough when you're right there at each other's side. When you put hundreds or even thousands of miles between a man and a woman it can be virtually impossible. But as difficult as it is, there are plenty of couples who manage to succeed, and many even thrive. Read the following long distance relationship tips to see how you can give your romance a winning chance.

Open Communication

Whether you're going to use the phone, texting, emails or webcam, it's important that you stay in touch. Technology today affords you plenty of choices that make you feel like you're right there with him. Try to keep each exchange as fun and upbeat as you can. While it's normal to want to express just how badly you miss him and want to see him again, avoid those tedious lines of questioning about what he's doing and who he's doing it with just to ensure he's being faithful.


Trust becomes the biggest issue in a long distance relationship and you'll probably be tempted to enquire about his fidelity. If he's true to you, he can grow tired of your constant badgering and may start to slowly wean off communication. If he is cheating, there's a good chance he'll lie. Sad but true. When trust becomes that big an issue and you're going crazy wondering what he's up to every weekend, you need to have a good talk with him to find out where his head is on the matter.

Put a Hold

When a relationship is relatively young and new and the naïve couple is split apart by obligations, many will opt to simply put the relationship on hold. This takes a great deal of maturity and it can be painful, but it can turn out to be a more healthy choice than constantly pinning. Know where your heart really is and try as honestly as you can to gauge his. Is he really in it for the long haul? Would it be easier to simply go your own way and reconnect if and when the time is right?

Keep Your Word

When only a few-hours drive separates you, it can be easy making that trip to see one another. But when it's a plane ride or a day long drive, it can make things more complicated. It's important in either situation to schedule hook ups that are frequent and solid. If either of you is constantly reneging on your promise to be there for the other, it can cause friction and growing mistrust. Long distance relationships aren't easy. Be realistic before you even attempt it and be mature about it if you decide to give it a go.



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